Catherine's Book





The book that will help every trainer/handler develop
a bond with their dog and achieve the true TEAMWORK
needed for all performance venues!

Cost: Only $29.99 for this large, easy-to-read coil bond book.
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Catherine Zinsky
309 Estornino Lane
El Cajon, Ca. 92021

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Chapter 1: Leadership

What to expect in this chapter:
  • What leadership means
  • Leadership begins at home
  • Establishing a pecking order
  • Do’s and Don’ts
  • Food management for leadership
  • Teaching manners
  • Building a bond
  • Teaching through redirection
  • Games to build your relationship
  • Chapter Review

Chapter 2: The Canine Trinity

What to expect in this chapter:tr
  • Sight
  • Sound
  • Smell
  • Body language counts!
  • Ideas to help redirect negative emotions
  • Chapter review

Chapter 3: The Perfect Picture

What to expect in this chapter:
  • Having a mental picture
  • What the ‘Perfect Picture’
  • Going through the motions
  • Avoiding ruts
  • Clarity in training
  • Consistency in training
  • Chapter review

Chapter 4: Praise—and Errant Praise

What to expect in this chapter:
  • Praise defined
  • Learn to listen
  • Lure vs. reward
  • Interaction required
  • Bribe vs. reward
  • 4-stage release
  • Misplaced praise
  • Chapter review

CHAPTER 5: Play and Interaction

What to expect in this chapter:
  • Building the ‘Want to.’
  • What is ‘interactive’?
  • Defining self-amusement.
  • The importance of play.
  • The 3-5 approach.
  • Attention games.
  • How to play.
  • Getting a quick release.
  • Chapter Review.

Chapter 6: Train, Train, Train.

What to expect in this chapter:
  • Routine required.
  • No bored dogs…
  • Training Alive!
  • To drill or not to drill.
  • What to do during ‘downtimes.’
  • Doodling.
  • Quality vs. quantity.
  • Run-throughs.
  • Chapter review.

Chapter 7: Become the Ring Master!

What to expect in this chapter:
  • Partnership required.
  • Preparation: key ingredient.
  • Desensitize dog.
  • Finding your “Show Gauge”.
  • “Goldilocks” syndrome.
  • It’s Showtime!
  • The “Right Stuff”.
  • Warm-ups.
  • Entering to compete.
  • Jackpots.
  • Chapter Review.


"It's very simple, Catherine: YOU NAILED IT! ATTITUDE + ATTENTION = TEAMWORK! Seven steps to Success" is simply outstanding. I've been in competition obedience for a quarter century and I've never encountered a book like this. Catherine doesn't tell you how to teach scent articles. She doesn't explain how to make Phydeaux proficient at weave poles. There's not one word about what you can and can't do with your hands and arms in rally. Catherine's book is 195 pages of words and photos about how to CONNECT with your dog. How to build competitive excellence through teamwork. AND SHE NAILS IT!! I have the book. I've read it and highlighted it. And I've gotten zinged several times about my own bad habits. (And am motivated to shape up.) I highly recommend "ATTITUDE + ATTENTION = TEAMWORK. " --WILLARD BAILEY, author of Remembering to Breathe: Inside Dog Obedience Competition and OTCH Dreams: The Agony and Ecstasy of Life with Competition Obedience Dogs.

"Catherine Zinsky’s book on developing attitude, attention and teamwork is a valuable addition to every dog lover’s library. It’s an easy read, and represents a well written, organized, thought provoking and informative approach to the fundamental requirements for building a competitive team (human/canine) in any dog sport. Dog sport newcomers and veterans alike will find the seven-step approach she outlines is easy to follow and represents key considerations in teambuilding. I am delighted to recommend this publication to any and every participant regardless of the chosen sport. " --WARD FALKNER Ph.D. (Zoology) Two-time winner of the AKC/Eukanuba National Obedience Championship & twice ranked #1 All Breeds Obedience Winner – Canadian Kennel Club

"This book is not about how to train your dog, but more about how to train yourself. I wish I’d had this book when I started training! I’d been doing so many things I shouldn’t, and not doing so many things I should. It was no wonder there was a hole in my teamwork. This book isn’t about training your dog, it’s about training you so you don’t make mistakes that cause a breakdown in your training. Building Attitude and Attention naturally leads to better Teamwork – the three most important things you and your dog need to take into the ring. The book is beautifully laid out leading you on a step by step journey to more Attitude and Attention with your dog. Building the Attitude and Attention naturally improves your relationship with your dog, and that leads to improved teamwork. This is the perfect book for new trainers, someone training a new dog (or puppy) and even experienced trainers. It is also a valuable tool for experienced trainers. I can’t recommend it highly enough." --RUTHANN McCAULLEY Author of Rally All Around, Sierra Vista, AZ IntlCH Dunham Lake Sticky Beak RN CGC NTD

"Another post for my "dog" friends. This is my review of the new book written by Catherine Zinsky titled "Attitude + Attention = TEAMWORK, Seven Steps to Success." In my opinion Catherine scores a 200 with her new book! Get it! Read it! You won't learn about how to teach specific skills/exercises...rather she focuses on the handler's role in creating a winning team. She puts the responsibility for attitude and attention directly on the handler's shoulder---no excuses allowed! And she tells you HOW to be the best handler you can be for your particular dog. Very motivational. It is an easy read...195 pages of big print for those of us with less than perfect vision, and spiral bound. Worth every penny! Am so glad I bought this book. You can order it on her web site." --KATHYRYN MIELE

"Catherine Zinsky’s new book is a must for those that own and train dogs. Attitude + Attention = Teamwork! Seven Steps to Success is a well written book of tips, guidelines and Page 2 of 3 thoughtful discussion of Catherine’s philosophy and techniques for creating teamwork with your dog. Each chapter supports Catherine’s objective that the handlers’ attitude and attention are essential in training in order to establish teamwork so critical for achieving success with your dog as a performance partner or even just a good friend to enjoy life with. Chapter 1 on leadership and working with puppies was one of my favorite chapters. In this chapter Catherine stresses the importance of teaching your dog to respond on the first command. To me, this is where so many of dogs problems arise when people do not understand how to deal with a distracted puppy, or dog who will not come when called or display the “don’t wanna, don’t have to” behavior. The other 6 chapters are filled with excellent information to help you improve your relationship and teamwork with you dog. Chapter titles include: Canine Trinity: The Perfect Picture – be clear, be consistent: Praise and Errant Praise: Play and Interaction – never allow your dog to ignore you: Train, Train, Train – be honest and be fair: and Becoming the Ring Master – most importantly believe in yourself and enjoy the process. As an instructional designer and author/publisher I am very critical of educational books and online courses. I found Catherine’s book to be very well written, well organized, with introductions to what the reader will learn in the chapter, excellent examples, how to correct unwanted behaviors, and chapter summaries and reviews. Well done Catherine!!! " --CYNDE LESHIN Cynde has worked in the health care field for over 10 years, is an author, instructional designer and most recently has become a faculty member in the College of Education at Western Governors University.

"After reading many books and training dogs for over 20 years, I find Attitude+Attention=Teamwork" to be one of the best new books to come along. It is easy to follow and combines practical advise with clear writing. The book is written in chapters and sections, with important points set apart. It is a great reference with a wealth of ideas for any level of training and all breeds. I am excited to start out using training ideas for my puppy as well as implement problem solving methods for my advanced open and utility dogs." --ANN MARIE GOLDHAMMER

"CONGRATULATIONS!! You have a winner!!!! I so enjoyed reading your book. Something for everyone. For those just starting out to the more experienced handle. I liked all the photos. I know it was a big undertaking but you should be very proud of the out come." --BETTY CUNNINGHAM

"I was getting so frustrated with training that my dog wasn't enjoying it anymore, but I hadn't realized what the problem was. It was me! Catherine's book tells how important the trainer's attitude makes in the whole process of you & your dog being a happy and successful team." --PAULINE ANDRUS, AKC Obedience Judge

"Got home from the match and your book had arrived. I am already on page 38. I can’t wait to tell my students about your book! Maybe they will pay attention to you when you say “say it once”. I am glad it is raining so I will have an excuse to sit and read tomorrow after the tracking test." --LORA COX, AKC Obedience Judge

"I got your book today…I have to say you did a wonderful job, I love it, you have put in writing what I have always believed and tried to do. I showed it to a friend of mine and she wants to order one." --LOUISE BASTIEN

"Just received my copy... What a beautiful book! It has much more than I expected. Instead of another "how to" teach exercises book it goes in depth about the importance of bonding with your dog and achieving real teamwork. Thank you, Catherine, for your valuable contribution to us dog trainers. Good job, well done! Bravo!" --CHRIS WALLACE

"Your book is outstanding! Wish we had a copy years ago as it would have been a valuable tool with beloved pets in the past. Wishing you much success with your excellent book." Page 3 of 3 --Valerie Robertson

Hi Catherine, Yes! I did locate it and picked it up in Ogdensburg this past Friday. I have delved into your book and believe it is the perfect item to complement my training programme right now. I was so excited to see that it really is a book for me, the handler, and not another training method book. I have only gotten through the first chapter but already see an improvement in our attention! It can only get better with time and I fully intend to implement as much of the information to improve my handling. I have always thanked my dog, a Labrador retriever named Phoebe, for putting in the effort, not complaining when crated indoors on a beautiful summer day, enduring car rides of hours on end, to perform Obedience routines with precision and enjoyment. The bond that develops is unbelievable. Your book mirrors this experience, so thank you for the opportunity of having your thoughts. Catherine - your book rocks!!!